Frank Grimm

What do you do at LHD?
I am responsible for developing and executing new and existing employer benefit platforms and overall strategy, both financial and administrative. I have experience in all levels of employee benefit analysis, including strategic plan design, self-funding arrangements, wellness initiatives, and ancillary plans.
What do you like most about the work?
I am passionate about helping his clients navigate the challenges that today’s benefit environment presents. From ACA, to challenging renewals, to employee communication, I am an advisor who sees the big picture and helps employers develop strategies that address their unique challenges.

“Working at LHD is exciting and rewarding. Not only do I get to work with great teammates, we partner with great clients in navigating a challenging industry.”

Education & Experience

Frank Joined the LHD team in 2006 originally as a Senior Benefits Consultant and is now a Principal as of 2020.


Frank attended Western Illinois University where he studied Finance, Banking, Economics, and Risk Management.